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Week 1 Discussion Board: Self Care- Taking Care of YOU!

Let’s clarify one common misconception from the get-go: Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or selfishness. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, be well, do your job, help and care for others, and do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day. Self-care is taking steps to tend to your physical and emotional health needs to the best of your ability.
Several organizations and researchers take a health-oriented approach when defining self-care. The World Health Organization defines self-care as: “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”

According to this definition, self-care includes everything related to staying physically healthy — including hygiene, nutrition, and seeking medical care when needed. It’s all the steps an individual can take to manage stressors in his or her life and take care of his or her own health and well-being.
In your post, share ways you are taking care of yourself.

If you have not started, below are some "helpful" links. try one out and share your thoughts.

Post your self-care activity by Wednesday and respond to a minimum of one classmate's post by Sunday at 11:59 PM.

Assignment Resources:

James Roberts is a patient in the hospital for which you are the director of risk management. Mr. Roberts was admitted ten days ago for head trauma suffered as a result of a motorcycle accident. He was initially brought to the Emergency Department by Life Flight (an air ambulance system) and was admitted to the neurological intensive care unit after having surgery to remove a piece of his skull to relieve intracranial pressure that would have resulted in permanent brain damage if it had not been performed immediately.
Mr. Roberts is not married, and his only child, a daughter named Mary, was located on the third day of his admission. During a telephone call, Mr. Roberts’ nurse informed Mary of the need for Mr. Roberts to return to the operating room for another procedure which was intended to reduce swelling of the brain and help him to be removed from a medically induced coma. The nurse explained all of the risks, benefits, and alternatives in detail to Mary. Mary agreed to the procedure.
The procedure was successful and on the seventh day of admission, Mr. Roberts was completely out of the medically induced coma, although he remained very confused. On the following day, Mr. Roberts’ physician informed him that a third and final procedure was required to replace the portion of the skull that was removed during the first procedure. The physician attempted to explain the benefits, risks, and alternatives to Mr. Roberts but due to his continued confusion the physician gave up providing a full explanation, had Mr. Roberts sign the consent form, and took him on to surgery. Unfortunately, the procedure did not go as well as planned, although it was technically performed appropriately, and Mr. Roberts relapsed into a coma.
On this tenth day of admission, Mr. Roberts’ long-time girlfriend comes to you and informs you that she holds the healthcare power of attorney. She additionally informs you that Mr. Roberts has a living will and he did not desire to have heroic intervention utilized if the need arose. Mr. Roberts’ girlfriend is angry because she does not believe that appropriate consent was obtained for any of the procedures.
Identify each opportunity during Mr. Roberts’ time within your hospital where consent may have been obtained and whether that consent was implied or express and if express what type of express consent. Since your CEO may not understand the difference, you need to include a short definition of any type of consent identified. You also need to identify whether the consent was appropriately obtained, including why or why not.

For this post, you have to explain the process for evaluating the safety of COVID-19 vaccines from a scientific perspective. To do so:

Define reliability. What is the reliability of at least two frequently used COVID-19 testing instruments?

There are no right answers in relation to the Discussion Questions, but your answer must be supported. Please give examples and a rationale for your response.

When you reply to your classmates’ posts, respectfully agree/disagree to the post, and explain why, while offering an opinion with an example to support it.

You must first post your answer(s) before you are able to see the other students' posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module

Initial post due Thursday, 11:55 PM, Eastern Time. Discussion board closes Sunday, 11:55 PM, Eastern Time.

Review the rubric to see how this discussion will be graded. You can find the discussion board rubric by clicking the dots icon

Following an automobile accident, a 19-year-old boy who had recently escaped from a detention center was brought to the hospital emergency department by ambulance. The patient seemed to be alert and claimed to be suffering withdrawal symptoms from a drug habit. The patient claimed that he participated in a methadone treatment program. Without asking any further questions or investigating the patient’s claims any further, the physician immediately administered 40 milligrams of methadone to the patient. After further testing and lab work, it was determined that the patient needed to be transfused with two pints of blood. After being informed of the need to receive blood, the patient refused it. After being observed in the emergency department for several hours, the patient was placed on a medical-surgical unit for further observation. The following morning it was not possible to awaken him, and he was pronounced dead. It was discovered that he had never been an addict or in a methadone treatment program. Rather, the previous night he had been drinking beer and taking librium. He had withheld this information from hospital authorities. His estate sued the physician. Consider the possible outcomes if death was the result of (1) overdose of methadone, (2) failure to administer blood, or (3) subdural hematoma (which is a bleeding on the brain).

Analyze the success of a claim for negligence for each of the three possible outcomes above (1 – death due to an overdose of methadone; 2 –death due to a failure to administer blood; and 3 - death due to a subdural hematoma). For each possible outcome, Include in your analysis a detailed discussion of each element of negligence and why that element is met or not met. Second, analyze for each possible outcome whether the defenses of comparative negligence, contributory negligence or assumption of the risk may be asserted by the defendant, including a discussion of why that defense is or is not applicable.

Your Answers:
Alice recently started a new tech firm, Initech, with 10 employees. The firm has a very casual environment and places employee satisfaction and interaction at a premium, relying on strong collaboration between employees to remain productive. In an attempt to expand, Alice has decided to hire another programmer, but wants to make sure that any new hire has a personality that is complementary to her other employees. What kind of interview would allow this?
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Results for question 2.
2 / 2 points
Charles was recently promoted to a supervisor position the department store he worked at. Prior to that he was a salesman, where he excelled in all of his tasks. In the new position, he quickly found himself overwhelmed with the responsibility of managing his former peers. He found himself without confidence in his own abilities to manage. In turn, he began to make mistakes and miss important timelines. Charles is exhibiting a lack of ____.
Emotional stability
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Locus of control
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Correct answer:
Results for question 3.
2 / 2 points
Amelia is the sales manager for a car dealership that is preparing to receive new models for the next year. Prior to new inventory coming in, Amelia wants to try to sell as many of the previous year’s models as she can. As a result, she decides to offer an extra 5% of each sale to her sales staff. This is an example of _____.
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Correct answer:
Extrinsic reward
Intrinsic reward
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Results for question 4.
2 / 2 points
Reasons that a manager should consider implementing a social media policy for his or her employees include all of the following except _____.
Correct answer:
Preventing employees from using social media
Prevent disclosure of proprietary information
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Prevent employees from embarrassing or defaming the company
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Educate employees about safe social media practices
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Results for question 5.
2 / 2 points
Mark works for DM Paper, a company that specializes in selling paper to large businesses. As part of his regular duties, Mark must negotiate with paper mills to supply his company with materials. What form of communication is this?
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Correct answer:
Results for question 6.
2 points possible
Michael is the manager of an IT firm with a staff of 20 IT technicians. Margaret is his most senior technician who has consistently produced exemplary results but has had issues working well with her peers in the past. Alex is a new hire to the company and works at a desk adjacent to Margaret. Over the course of the past few months, Margaret and Alex have had several disagreements with the most recent ending in shouting and threats of violence. Upset, Margaret has come to Michael and informed him that she will quit unless he fires Alex. Detail how Michael could use two of the five conflict-handling styles (listed in the text) to effectively resolve this dispute. Which would be most effective and why?
Waiting for grade
The five conflict-handling styles include avoiding, obliging, dominating, compromising, and integrating. Michael might use the compromising conflict management style to reach a resolution. The compromising style involves both parties giving up something for the benefit of mutual understanding. Integrating a collaborative style might also fit this situation as it involves confronting the issues, identifying the problem, and weighing alternative options before choosing an appropriate course of action. Integrating style might be better because it might help address the misunderstanding between Alex and Margaret.
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Results for question 7.
2 points possible
What is emotional intelligence and how is it an important tool for managers?
Waiting for grade
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your emotions and those of others, and to use the information in thinking and making decisions.
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Results for question 8.
0 / 2 points
Expert Power is ______.
Shared by all leaders and mangers
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Shared by all managers, but not leaders
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Incorrect answer:
Shared by all leaders, but not managers
Correct Answer:
Not a necessity for either managers or leaders
Not a necessity for either managers or leaders
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Results for question 9.
2 / 2 points
Implied guidelines that govern group work are referred to as _____.
Correct answer:
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Results for question 10.
0 / 2 points
All of the following are disadvantages to internal recruitment except _____.
Low chance of new viewpoints and skillsets
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Promotes seniority instead of merits
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Incorrect answer:
Creates openings in other areas of the organization
Correct Answer:
More expensive due to higher salaries needing to be paid to senior personnel
More expensive due to higher salaries needing to be paid to senior personnel
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Results for question 11.
2 / 2 points
Which of the following is not an effective method for fostering innovation?
Hiring innovative staff
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Correct answer:
Collecting competitive intelligence
Cultivating a work environment that allows employees to take risks
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Having buy-in from senior managers
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Results for question 12.
2 / 2 points
__ refers to a total quality management technique that focuses on reduction in waste and errors to as close to zero as possible.
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ISO 9000
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Reduced cycle time
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Correct answer:
Six sigma
Results for question 13.
2 / 2 points
Chromite industries recently developed a new method for galvanizing steel beams that is considerably cheaper than previous methods. What type(s) of innovation does this represent?
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Correct answer:
Process and Core
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Product and Transformational
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Results for question 14.
0 / 2 points
Sympatico Chemicals was recently cited for having poor working conditions. The Chemical Workers Labor Union (CWLU) has initiated a strike until conditions improve. The CEO of Sympatico has stated that the costs of renovating the chemical plant to the specifications demanded by the CWLU would put the company out of business. The foreman at the chemical plant has suggested that the leaders of Sympatico and the CWLU meet with a local judge who will decide on a tenable median between the needs of Sympatico and the CWLU. Which method of dispute resolution is the foreman recommending?
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Correct Answer:
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Results for question 15.
2 / 2 points
Trevor wants to build camaraderie and cohesion among his staff, so he takes them all on a camping trip. What level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is Trevor addressing in his employees?
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Correct answer:
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Results for question 16.
2 / 2 points
Apex architecture recently took on a contract to design a large skyscraper in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. To complete the project, the firm brought organized various specialists in all aspects of design and construction in a team. What type(s) of team(s) does this represent?
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Work and cross-functional
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Correct answer:
Project and cross-functional
Results for question 17.
2 / 2 points
Which of the following is not an organizational barrier to fostering diversity in the workforce?
Fear of discriminating against majority groups
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Lack of support for family needs
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Correct answer:
Laws preventing hiring quotas
Inherent stereotypes and prejudices
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Results for question 18.
2 / 2 points
Which form of performance appraisal includes customer reviews in the evaluation of employees?
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Correct answer:
360-degree assessment
Forced ranking
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Results for question 19.
2 points possible
What are stock options? List two advantages to offering employees stock options as opposed to profit sharing.
Waiting for grade
Stock options is the right given to employees to buy stock at a future date with discounted prices.
One advantage of stock options is that employees will work harder for the company's stock prices to increase.
Stock options align the interest of the employees.
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Results for question 20.
2 points possible
How can intra-organizational conflict be good for the organization? Provide 2 examples.
Waiting for grade
It can lead to improved decision-making and enhanced creativity and innovation.
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Results for question 21.
2 / 2 points
Transformational Leaders ________.
Create stability in organizations
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Utilize transactional leadership to inspire subordinates
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Correct answer:
Inspire subordinates to accomplish extraordinary goals
Focus on being moral role models
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Results for question 22.
2 / 2 points
Which of the following is most true of McClelland’s acquired needs theory?
All individuals in the workplace have similar needs for achievement, power, and affiliation
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The need for power means that individuals desire to dominate others for their own satisfaction
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All employees strive to excel at all tasks
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Correct answer:
The ratio of each need is unique to each individual
Results for question 23.
0 / 2 points
During which stage of Tuckman’s five-stage model should the group or team leader be least assertive?
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Correct Answer:
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Results for question 24.
2 points possible
Why are companies relying less on resumes to screen applicants? What are hiring committees then deferring to?
Waiting for grade
More companies are shifting toward skill-based hiring focusing on assessing an individuals abilities. On the other hand hiring committees might focus more on recommendations and references.
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Results for question 25.
2 points possible
Which type of control, bureaucratic or decentralized, is preferable when working a chemical plant with significant safety hazards? Why?
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Decentralized control type is preferred because it increases employees' responsiveness enabling quicker response to emergencies.
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Results for question 26.
2 points possible
Lola manages a prestigious brokerage firm in New York City that must maintain an aggressive work tempo to remain competitive. As a result, employees often work long hours, report feeling significant amounts of stress and increased abuse of drugs, both legal and illegal. What are steps that Lola can do to reduce stress in her employees without sacrificing the bottom line?
Waiting for grade
Approaches to use might include promoting work-life balance, encourage regular breaks, and provide stress management services within the institution. The company might also consider hiring overtime employees to address workload issues to ensure that the existing empoyees are not overworked.
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Results for question 27.
2 / 2 points
The notion of fairness and justice in the workplace is referred to as _____.
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Correct answer:
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Results for question 28.
2 / 2 points
When a marketer for a biotechnology firm translates complex science terminology into layman’s terms for potential investors, this is an example of _______.
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Correct answer:
Results for question 29.
2 / 2 points
Organizational Development differs from other kinds of organizational change due to its focus on ____.
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Correct answer:
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Results for question 30.
2 points possible
How can managers ensure that organizational development is successful?
Waiting for grade
Organizational development is an approach organizations use to implement planned changes and to make employees and organizations more effective. Managers can ensure organizational development is more successful by promoting a supportive culture and providing resources to support employee innovativeness.
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Results for question 31.
2 / 2 points
Which of the following would most require communication in a rich medium?
Updates to the Company Softball team roster
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Correct answer:
Resolving interpersonal conflicts between employees
Explaining a new health care plan to employees
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Disseminating a new policy on workplace relationships
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Results for question 32.
0 / 2 points
Why is the use of personality tests in the hiring process controversial?
Applicants tend to write answers to impress employers
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Different companies use different tests, skewing results
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Incorrect answer:
There is no correlation between personality and job effectiveness
Correct Answer:
Applicants tend to write answers to impress employers
The use of personality tests to hire applicants has been used to subvert affirmative action efforts.
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Results for question 33.
2 / 2 points
Which of the following is a part of the internal dimension of one’s diversity?
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Correct answer:
Sexual orientation
Physical appearance
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Results for question 34.
2 points possible
How do transactional and transformational leadership differ? Are these methods at odds with one another, or can they be applied simultaneously?
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Transactional leaders focus on rewards in an attempt to motivate their employees to work. Transactional leaders provide rewards and punishments as a way to influence performance. On the other hand, transformational leaders influence employees' performance by helping them develop skills consistent with the organization's objectives. Transformational leaders focus on motivating employees and building trust, commitment, and loyalty. Both can be applied together to create a balanced leadership approach.
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Results for question 35.
2 points possible
According to Herzberg’s two factor theory, how are motivating and hygiene factors different, and to what extent, if any, can motivating factors offset hygiene factors?
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Motivating factors are intrinsic while hygiene factors are extrinsic. Motivating factors are associated with motivation and achievement while hygience factors relate to working conditions.
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Results for question 36.
2 / 2 points
Humility in managers is ______.
Correct answer:
A desirable trait, as it leads managers to consider new ideas
A desirable trait, as it separates managers from employees
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An undesirable trait, as it makes managers appear to lack self-confidence
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An undesirable trait, as it opens managerial decisions up to scrutiny
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Results for question 37.
0 / 2 points
All of the following are traits that are helpful for managers to handle conflict except ____.
Incorrect answer:
Correct Answer:
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Results for question 38.
0 / 2 points
Josh needs to hire a new IT technician for his company’s IT department, but he wants to make sure that applicants have the SEC + certification. Which part of the job posting would he write this in?
Job analysis
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Job description
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Job specification
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Incorrect answer:
Job requirements
Correct Answer:
Job specification
Results for question 39.
2 / 2 points
Tabitha was recently part of a project team that was responsible for constructing roads in a new subdivision. After the project was completed, the team met up to have a discussion about methods used during the project and to come up with new approaches that might increase efficiency in the next project. What type of control is this?
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Correct answer:
Performance review
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Results for question 40.
2 points possible
Simone recently started as a supply chain manager working for a large corporation. She is new to the organization and has little experience in the field. A work colleague recommends that she try using social media to assist her in the new position. What benefits could social media offer Simone?
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Social media can help with networking, recruitment and talen acquisition.
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Results for question 41.
2 / 2 points
Amanda manages a pharmacy with a small staff. In order to prevent micromanagement, she has deferred to a decentralized command structure, allowing shift managers to make important decisions about working hours, product orders, and breaks with little oversight from her. What type of leadership does this exemplify?
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Correct answer: