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Survey Diagram for a Mathematical Venn Question
A survey was conducted among 76 patients admitted to a hospital cardiac unit during a​ two-week period. The data of the survey are shown below.

Let B = the set of patients with high blood pressure.
Let C = the set of patients with high cholesterol levels.
Let S = the set of patients who smoke cigarettes.

Venn Diagram chart.JPG

Use the conditions given above to answer the following questions.
a. Find the number of these patients that had either high blood pressure or high cholesterol​ levels, but not both.
b. Find the number of these patients that had fewer than two of the indications listed.
c. Find the number of these patients that were smokers but had neither high blood pressure nor high cholesterol levels.
d. Find the number of these patients that did not have exactly two of the indications listed.

Tag:assignment services, Math reasoning Venn diagram question, Math online questions

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  1. Note that before answering this question, Drawing a Venn Diagram would help you work on the problem easily. My Course Tutor Experts recommend that you use a Pen and a paper to draw the relationship between the conditions given. The correct steps for solving this problem is to; Create a Venn diagram and enter the given data in the appropriate regions. Then find the remaining numbers for each region not given in the data. Find the number of patients that had high blood​ pressure, then find the number of patients that had high cholesterol levels. Add these two​ values, but remember to not include the number of patients that had both indicators. Check your addition carefully.

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