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Graded Discussion: Misleading Graphs
A minimum of one post is required.
You must give a detailed solution to each question in your post to get full credit.
It is not enough to just give the final answer.
You must show steps or explain your reasoning.
If it is easier, you can write your solution out on paper, take a picture, and upload it to the discussion as a pdf file. The pdf file type is the only file type that will be accepted.
You will be able to see other students' posts once you post your own solution.
Review their responses to determine if they agree with your own.

You are not required to make a second post, but you can reply to your own post with corrections.   Don't worry!  You will not lose points for an incorrect answer in your first post as long as you make a reasonable effort on the first post and post a reply with the correct answer in your second post.  
Complete required posts by the posted deadline.

Part 1: Prepare

Read this article about the way graphs can be misleading. https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and-statistics/descriptive-statistics/misleading-graphs/
part 2 Instructions.JPG
part 2 misleading graphs.JPG

Source of data: https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2020/data-on-display/education-pays.htm

[2 pts] What is the ratio of the median weekly earnings of the holder of a high school diploma only to the median weekly earnings of the holder of a bachelor's degree?
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the area of the red rectangle to the area of the blue rectangle in graph A? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark.)
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the area of the red square to the area of the blue square in graph B? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark.)
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the volume of the red cube to the volume of the blue cube in graph C? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark and the bases of the prisms are squares.)
[2 pts] Explain which graph is the most misleading and give a mathematical justification for your answer.

Note that My Course Tutor offers several academic writing help services, including helping with weekly discussion assignments. Let us know if you need help with this assignment.

Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least two different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint presentation (6-10 slides).

PowerPoint Assignment Instructions Instruction

Complete the following: Article Identification. Use one of the articles listed under Article Options subheading below or find an article in Forbes or other business journal or an annual report from a publicly traded company that includes at least two data graphs or tables. The graphs should depict or represent data using pie charts, bar charts, tables, scatter plots, trend lines, et cetera. Read the article and identify the business context.
Business context includes organizational history, mission, product and services, environment, competitive advantage, competition, et cetera. You can also determine business context from additional sources (and you should). The company or organizational background information should help explain why the data are relevant. This will be the introductory information for your business report, presentation, or assessment. Interpret your chosen data representations in the context of the business situation. The following are typical questions an analyst would use to interpret the data: What is being measured (the variables)? What are the relationships among the variables? What are the trends in the data? How can the data be applied in the business context? Create an effective 6-10 slide PowerPoint deck with detailed presenter's notes (including citations and reference slides) elaborating on each point that will be presented at a departmental meeting.
For example: Organization/business context. Relevance/importance of information. Source of data set and any limitations? Graphic of data 1 - with interpretations of graph. Graph of data 2 - with interpretations of graph. Importance of data analysis in terms of business context. Summary. Reference slides. An effective PowerPoint presentation for this purpose typically includes: One title slide, APA formatted. 1-2 introduction slides explaining the business context.
Several slides. You should copy and paste (insert) the graphs or tables and include an appropriate citation. Each slide should include detailed speaker notes. Several slides. Include your interpretation of each graphical data representation. Conclusion slides in which you explain how the data may affect the business context or how it could be applied in your business context to inform decision making. Slide with at least four APA-formatted references, including the source of each graph.

PowerPoint Presentation Assignment.docx

Individual Position Paper discussing the special education topic Special Education: Children with Autism

  1. Produce an individual position paper (maximum 5 pages) discussing a special education topic of interest to you.Please use APA format (headings, citations, etc.). All final work MUST be well edited. I need the topic outline, the rough draft, and the final paper separately because I have to submit them on different dates. I will attach an example of the topic outline. a. Topic Outline 50 points (2/3/23) b. Rough draft 50 points (2/12/23) c. Final Paper 100 points (3/6/23)

Unit 4 DB: Community Fair
Last week each of you prepared a professional PowerPoint Presentation for a potential outreach event that featured your practicum agency. For this week for this week’s discussion post your completed PowerPoint presentation with a brief synopsis of the information that is on it.
Review at least two (2) of your classmates’ presentations. Be sure to ask 1-2 questions about their agency and relate how your agency might interact with theirs. Use your readings to support your initial post as well as your replies.

unit 4 community fait discussion.docx