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James Roberts is a patient in the hospital for which you are the director of risk management. Mr. Roberts was admitted ten days ago for head trauma suffered as a result of a motorcycle accident. He was initially brought to the Emergency Department by Life Flight (an air ambulance system) and was admitted to the neurological intensive care unit after having surgery to remove a piece of his skull to relieve intracranial pressure that would have resulted in permanent brain damage if it had not been performed immediately.
Mr. Roberts is not married, and his only child, a daughter named Mary, was located on the third day of his admission. During a telephone call, Mr. Roberts’ nurse informed Mary of the need for Mr. Roberts to return to the operating room for another procedure which was intended to reduce swelling of the brain and help him to be removed from a medically induced coma. The nurse explained all of the risks, benefits, and alternatives in detail to Mary. Mary agreed to the procedure.
The procedure was successful and on the seventh day of admission, Mr. Roberts was completely out of the medically induced coma, although he remained very confused. On the following day, Mr. Roberts’ physician informed him that a third and final procedure was required to replace the portion of the skull that was removed during the first procedure. The physician attempted to explain the benefits, risks, and alternatives to Mr. Roberts but due to his continued confusion the physician gave up providing a full explanation, had Mr. Roberts sign the consent form, and took him on to surgery. Unfortunately, the procedure did not go as well as planned, although it was technically performed appropriately, and Mr. Roberts relapsed into a coma.
On this tenth day of admission, Mr. Roberts’ long-time girlfriend comes to you and informs you that she holds the healthcare power of attorney. She additionally informs you that Mr. Roberts has a living will and he did not desire to have heroic intervention utilized if the need arose. Mr. Roberts’ girlfriend is angry because she does not believe that appropriate consent was obtained for any of the procedures.
Identify each opportunity during Mr. Roberts’ time within your hospital where consent may have been obtained and whether that consent was implied or express and if express what type of express consent. Since your CEO may not understand the difference, you need to include a short definition of any type of consent identified. You also need to identify whether the consent was appropriately obtained, including why or why not.

For this post, you have to explain the process for evaluating the safety of COVID-19 vaccines from a scientific perspective. To do so:

Define reliability. What is the reliability of at least two frequently used COVID-19 testing instruments?

There are no right answers in relation to the Discussion Questions, but your answer must be supported. Please give examples and a rationale for your response.

When you reply to your classmates’ posts, respectfully agree/disagree to the post, and explain why, while offering an opinion with an example to support it.

You must first post your answer(s) before you are able to see the other students' posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module

Initial post due Thursday, 11:55 PM, Eastern Time. Discussion board closes Sunday, 11:55 PM, Eastern Time.

Review the rubric to see how this discussion will be graded. You can find the discussion board rubric by clicking the dots icon

Following an automobile accident, a 19-year-old boy who had recently escaped from a detention center was brought to the hospital emergency department by ambulance. The patient seemed to be alert and claimed to be suffering withdrawal symptoms from a drug habit. The patient claimed that he participated in a methadone treatment program. Without asking any further questions or investigating the patient’s claims any further, the physician immediately administered 40 milligrams of methadone to the patient. After further testing and lab work, it was determined that the patient needed to be transfused with two pints of blood. After being informed of the need to receive blood, the patient refused it. After being observed in the emergency department for several hours, the patient was placed on a medical-surgical unit for further observation. The following morning it was not possible to awaken him, and he was pronounced dead. It was discovered that he had never been an addict or in a methadone treatment program. Rather, the previous night he had been drinking beer and taking librium. He had withheld this information from hospital authorities. His estate sued the physician. Consider the possible outcomes if death was the result of (1) overdose of methadone, (2) failure to administer blood, or (3) subdural hematoma (which is a bleeding on the brain).

Analyze the success of a claim for negligence for each of the three possible outcomes above (1 – death due to an overdose of methadone; 2 –death due to a failure to administer blood; and 3 - death due to a subdural hematoma). For each possible outcome, Include in your analysis a detailed discussion of each element of negligence and why that element is met or not met. Second, analyze for each possible outcome whether the defenses of comparative negligence, contributory negligence or assumption of the risk may be asserted by the defendant, including a discussion of why that defense is or is not applicable.

Video link: (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/madoff/?)

read these instructions at least three times through before posting. Also read my weekly announcements for specific assignment hints, guidance, and possible extra credit.
You MUST complete Writing Assignment/Group Discussion (WA) #3
Remember you will fail this assignment and face a possible referral to the Office of Academic Integrity if you QUOTE, CUT/PASTE FROM ANY RESOURCE, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNED MATERIAL, or use/rely on any resources, including classmates, the lecture slides, or Internet sources, other than the three resources (textbook, video) In addressing the prompt below (in red and italicized), you must cite to Assigned Material in your Post and Replies (see below). You may use the lectures and lectures slides for your own learning and background, but you may not cite to the lectures or lecture slides in your Post or Replies (you will be able to find a similar reference in the textbook).
If you chose to complete this writing assignment, watch the video After watching/reading the Assigned Material prepare your writing assignment (post) in a Word document. You may use the spell-check and grammar check features. Access your discussion board by clicking on the link above and create a new thread. Once you create a new thread cut and paste your writing assignment from your Word document into your thread by 11:59 PM on Saturday. After copying your Writing Assignment to the thread, you MUST then upload your Writing Assignment (post) to SafeAssign within 5 minutes to avoid a 0 score. The SafeAssign link can be found below the Writing Assignment/Group Discussion in Blackboard. Unfortunately, Blackboard does not allow for SafeAssign submission in the discussion board. If you do not upload your Writing Assignment (post) to SafeAssign, you will earn a 0 score on that assignment.
Click above "Writing Assignment/Group Discussion # to access the discussion board. Your initial post is worth 70 points and your replies (two are required) are worth 30 points, 100 points total for the writing assignment. Please read the additional instructions in the syllabus. You will not be able to see other posts until you post. Please treat this assignment as a serious writing assignment. The rubric is strictly followed and no one gets credit just for posting, therefore prepare your post ahead of time and copy into your thread. Once you post, you will be able to see other posts and you can then reply. However, if you post in error before your post is complete or your post is blank, the first post will be graded even if blank.
You are required to reply to at least two of your classmates by 11:59 PM on Sunday. Your replies must be substantive and MUST include citations in parenthesis according to the instructions above. For example, your replies should extend the discussion or provide another legal perspective, but your replies should not be critical of your classmate’s work. Your replies are worth 30 points and you must provide more than one substantive reply to be eligible for 30 points.

  1. Read Chapter 3 (You must have at least one citation to Chapter 3 in your Post.)
  2. Watch Frontline: The Madoff Affair.Click on the link above to watch the video in preparation for the writing assignment and take notes. (You must cite in your Post.)
  3. Visit the Business Roundtable website and read the August 2019 article "Business Roundtable Redefines the Purpose of a Corporation to Promote 'An Economy that Serves All Americans'". (You must cite in your Post.)
  4. Based on the law and the court decision, why did the Supreme Court rule that Westboro Baptist Church’s speech was protected? Explain using thorough legal analysis with at least five citations as explained above.
  1. Grading Criteria:
    Criteria Failure Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent
    Quality of Post No post, post is submitted after due date, post does not address prompt, and/or violations of rules, including using unauthorized resources or providing no or inaccurate citations Does not refer to the Assigned Material in a substantive way or does not fully address the prompt within word limit and on time with few citations as indicated in instructions or inaccurate citations

    Shows some knowledge of the Assigned Material within word limit and on time with citations as indicated in instructions    Shows knowledge of the Assigned Material and offers an original and critical post within the word limit and on time with citations as indicated in instructions    Shows substantive knowledge of the Assigned material and offers an original and critical post within the word limit and on time with citations as indicated in instructions

70 points 0 45 53 60 70
Quality of Reply/
Replies (two required)

No replies, reply/replies are submitted after due date, no citations in replies, and/or rule violations

Only one reply or replies show no knowledge of material or inaccurate citations

Two replies on time showing some knowledge of the material with citations
Two replies on time showing knowledge of the material with citations
Two or more replies on time showing substantive knowledge with citations

30 points 0 0 22 25 30

  1. The posts/replies must be your original work. Do not collaborate with others. Do not quote or cut and paste from any source, including the textbook. Show your own understanding. Use of the Internet or other sources outside the Assigned Material is strictly prohibited and a violation of the Honor Code. Violation of these rules will result in a grade of 0 and a possible Honor Code violation. Failure to Post your writing assignment (post only not replies) to SafeAssign will result in a score of 0.

Possible response to this essay:
Snyder v. Phelps (2011)

The First Amendment protects people's right to speech, which allows them to freely express their issues by picketing, among other means. Based on the analysis of the case involving Snyder and Phelps (2011), the Supreme Court ruled that Westboro Baptist Church’s speech was protected since their protests were of broad issues that are of interest to the society rather than matters of “personal or private concern” which is protected under The First Amendment (Business Roundtable, 2019). This Amendment gives the church and other concerned parties the right to hold peaceful demonstrations, such as anti-gay protests outside funeral homes and military bases, among other public places. 

Facts from the case indicate that the church held its protests in a public place. That action meant that congregants did not violate personal privacy, and their protests were of public interests and not private concerns, which is not a violation of the law under the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment (Business Roundtable, 2019). Arguably, the Supreme Court primarily ruled that Westboro Baptist Church’s speech was protected because the church's leadership led protests against public interests rather than personal issues, which is a broad issue of interest to the community at large that is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

The founders of the Constitution understood the significance of freedom of speech, which is why they drafted and passed the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, which gives people the right to picket and express public concerns freely (Karla, 2017). During the ruling of the case between Snyder and Phelps, the Supreme Court held that the church's actions were motivated by matters of public concern rather than matters of private significance, which is not a violation of the law. The Supreme Court argued that speech deals with issues affecting or concerned with public interest, such as moral, political, or social concerns. Therefore, when a speech is of societal concern, then it is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. During the ruling, the court analyzed the context and content of the speech and noted that the church rightfully exercised its constitutional rights by protesting in front of Snyder's funeral home (Frontline. t.s, 12-15th minutes). The court further noted that the leadership of the church had ensured that their followers (protesters) held the demonstrations in public land which was near the funeral home, which is protected by the right of speech as expressed in the First Amendment, which explains why it ruled in favor of the church (Frontline. t.s, 34th minute).
In conclusion, the main reason why the Supreme Court ruled that Westboro Baptist Church’s speech was protected based on the law and the court's decision is that the right to free speech is protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The court held that the right to freedom of speech protects the church's leader (Phelps) and his church members from expressing their opinions freely in public places.

Business Roundtable (BR). (Aug 19, 2019). Business Roundtable Redefines the Purpose of a Corporation to Promote ‘An Economy That Serves All Americans’. Retrieved February 23rd, 2024 from: https://www.businessroundtable.org/business-roundtable-redefines-the-purpose-of-a-corporation-to-promote-an-economy-that-serves-all-americans
Frontline. (2014), The Madoff Affair. Retrieved February 23rd, 2024 from:
Karla K. Gower. (2017). Legal and Ethical Considerations for Public Relations: Third Edition. Waveland Press.

Module 8: Discussion 8 - Social Media and Business Crises
Post a minimum 250-word response to the following questions. Be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list to support your response.

Read the Case Study Was the Firing of Curt Schilling for His Social Media Post Fair? (p. 543 of the textbook)

How should ESPN have resolved this situation? Why? What was the impact of the way it was handled? What are the “lessons learned” from this incident?

When you reply to your classmates' posts, be sure to focus on the arguments that are given. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Are there good reasons? Could the examples be clearer? Can you add your own example? Do you have a counter example?

You must first post your answer(s) before you can see the other students’ posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module.