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Graded Discussion: DeMorgan's Laws

A minimum of two posts is required. 
You must give a detailed solution for each part in your first post to get full credit.   It is not enough to just give the final answer.  You must show steps or explain your reasoning.  If it is easier, you can write your solution out on paper, take a picture, and upload it to the discussion as a pdf file.  The pdf file type is the only file type that will be accepted.  
You will be able to see other students' posts once you post your own solution.  Review their responses to determine if they agree with your own. 
For your second post, reply to your own post.  Don't worry!  You will not lose points for an incorrect answer in your first post as long as you post a reply with the correct answer in your second post.  
Complete required posts by the posted deadline.

Part 1: Prepare

In both the Set Theory Module (A.3-7 DeMorgan's Laws for Sets) and the Logic Module (B.2-6 DeMorgan's Laws for Logic), DeMorgan's Laws are discussed. Reread each lesson.
Part 2: First Post
Title your post: Student's DeMorgan's Laws Post

Answer each question:
deMorgan's law for logic and sets.JPG

  1. [2 pts] State both of DeMorgan's Laws for Sets. Are the results of item 1 consistent with DeMorgan's Laws for Sets? Explain.
  2. [2 pts] State both of DeMorgan's Laws for Logic. Explain, in your own words, how these laws correspond to DeMorgan's Laws for Sets.
    Part 3: Second Post

After you have posted, you will be able to see other student's posts. You may respond to your classmates and/or ask them questions (optional). Review the posts of your classmates, then post a reply to your own post stating whether or not you would like to add, change, or clarify anything in your original post. [2 pts]

A middle school​ counselor, attempting to correlate school performance with leisure​ interests, found that of a group of​ students, 32 had seen Movie​ A, 27
had seen Movie​ B, 24 had seen Movie​ C, 15 had seen Movies A and​ B, 11 had seen Movies A and​ C, 8 had seen Movies B and​ C, 3 had seen all three​ films, and 6
had seen none of the three films. Use a Venn diagram to complete parts​ (a) through​ (c) below.

Complete a Venn diagram considering the following classifications.
Complete the Venn diagram. Let A be the set of students that saw Movie​ A, B be the set of students that saw Movie​ B, and C be the set of students that saw Movie C.

Also, answer the following questions about the Venn Diagram
a) How many students had seen Movie C​ only?
b) How many students had seen exactly two of the​ films?
c) How many students were​ surveyed?
The following Venn Diagram is a graphical representation of the relationship between the conditions, and can help you in answering the questions.

Solved Venn Diagram for the Math Reasoning question
Math Reasoning Venn Diagram Chart.JPG

An example of a Math question from a Math reasoning class. The problem is from a Venn's diagram lesson.
The 65 students in a classical music lecture class were​ polled, with the results that 36 like Wolfgang Amadeus​ Mozart, 37 like Ludwig von​ Beethoven, 33 like Franz Joseph​ Haydn, 14 like Mozart and​ Beethoven, 21 like Mozart and​ Haydn, 15 like Beethoven and​ Haydn, and 8 like all three composers. Use a Venn diagram to complete parts​ (a) through​ (f) below.

a) How many of these students like exactly two of these​ composers?
b) How many of these students like exactly one of these​ composers?
c) How many of these students like none of these​ composers?
d) How many of these students like​ Mozart, but neither Beethoven nor​ Haydn?
e) How many of these students like Haydn and exactly one of the other​ two?
f) How many of these students like no more than two of these​ composers?