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Unit 4 DB: Client Questions
Assume you are employed by the Midtown rehabilitation Center, the Agency discusses in the textbook, as an intake interviewer. How do you answer the following questions that your client has during the initial meeting? For this forum, your initial response can be formatted in bullet points to address each question. Be sure to also provide justification for your response.

  • How often will I come to see you?
  • Can I reach you after the center closes?
  • What happens if I forget an appointment?
  • Is What I tell you confidential?
  • What if I have an emergency?
  • How will I know when our work is finished?
  • What will I be charged for services?
  • Will my insurance company reimburse me?
    In response to your peers, provide feedback on the responses to the above questions. Please also identify additional questions that a client may have based on your peer’s responses.

Unit 4 DB discussion.docx