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M1 Assignment: Research Paper Topic Instructions
For this assignment, you will write a short paper about the topic you think you might like for your final paper. Your final paper will be a 6-8 page argumentative essay on a social justice theme in US History from 1865 to 2019 and will be due in Module 5 at the end of this semester.

Review the How to Find a Research Paper Topic lesson for help in selecting a topic for your final project.
Review the Instructions for the final project to know what the end goal of the research paper will require. You should also read the Social Justice Handout.
When you settle on a topic, write a short essay to describe your project. Make sure you
    Give the proposed title of the paper.
    Describe the main era (dates) and people you want to examine.
    Discuss how you think you can find sources
    Describe any difficulties you are having with your project.

Your topic paper should be 300-500 words long, double-spaced, 12 pt. font size.
Please review the Topic Paper Rubric in the course resources module in the course content area.
Submit your topic paper to the M1 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Topic Paper Assignment Folder. See the Schedule and Course Rubrics in the Syllabus Module for due dates and grading information.
My course tutor writers are experts in writing all types of research papers.

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